Category Europe

400 pages of new insights   24/02/2017 by Tom Hirche

Months ago, Matthias Schindler from the office of MEP Julia Reda (Greens/EFA) has submitted a freedom of information request to the European Commission and just a few days ago he finally received 400 pages (!) of secrets surrounding the proposed European ancillary copyright for press publishers/the publisher's right. POLITICO's Chris Spillane has identified numerous "things you need to know". Read more

"Grossly disproportionate" – New study on publisher's right   17/01/2017 by Tom Hirche

OpenForum Europe (OFE) has commissioned Dr. Mireille van Eechoud, who is Professor of Information Law at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Law, to conduct a study on the ancillary copyright for publishers as proposed by the European Commission. It is very carefully written and pays special attention to the freedom of expression, the special effects on authors and open data/science. Read more

Snippets not only may but will be illegal   16/01/2017 by Tom Hirche

Last week, the European People's Party (EPP) Group in the European Parliament held an event labelled "Hearing on Copyright". One of the speakers was Giuseppe Abbamonte, the Commission's director of media policy at the DG CONNECT, who said that we might all act illegally when we share articles, as reported by Chris Spillane from POLITICO. Read more

British top scholars against European ancillary copyright for press publishers   17/12/2016 by Tom Hirche

A group of 37 professors and scholars of Intellectual Property, Information Law and Digital Economy have sent a joint letter to the UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) presenting their view on the ancillary copyright for press publishers as proposed by the EU Commission. They advise the UK Government to oppose this proposal for various reasons. Read more

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Berlin state government against ancillary copyright for press publishers   13/12/2016 by Tom Hirche

The three regional party associations of SPD, Die Linken and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, who will build the new government of the state of Berlin, have signed the coalition agreement for the next legislative period (2016-2021). Among many other things, the ancillary copyright for press publishers gets a mention. Read more

CEIPI's opinion on a European ancillary copyright for press publishers   13/12/2016 by Tom Hirche

On November 28, the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg has published its opinion on the European Commission's copyright reform proposal which was introduced on September 14, 2016. The opinion was written by Professor Christophe Geiger, Oleksandr Bulayenko and Giancarlo Frosio who solely focused on the proposed introduction of neighbouring rights for press publishers in EU law. In their view, the negative effects of the proposal prevail. Read more

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Our statement on the Commission's proposal regarding a European ancillary copyright for press publishers   05/12/2016 by Tom Hirche

On the 20th September 2016 the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection called on all stakeholders involved to provide their opinion on the EU Commission's proposal for a directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM-directive). A few weeks later we submitted our statement which also functions as a condensed overview on all critical aspects regarding a European ancillary copyright for press publishers. Unfortunately, at that time it had only been available in German. But now you can either download an English version (PDF) or read the full text here: Read more

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Conservative and innovative press are deeply divided   25/10/2016 by Tom Hirche

The ancillary copyright for press publishers is more and more often covered by German media recently. However, the choice of words differs tremendously: While conservative media worship the Holy Günther as their patron saint, the innovators identify the major risks deriving from his proposal and discuss them. Read more

New Supporter!   07/09/2016 by Tom Hirche

Stakeholders: Tags: Licence: 

We are pleased to announce Allied for Startups as our newest supporter! The worldwide network of advocacy organizations focuses on improving the policy environment for startups to grow digital entrepreneurship and digital economy at large. They are the voice of startups. That is why, besides many other things, they have opened an office in Brussels last year with Lenard Koschwitz as the new director for European Affairs. As an ancillary copyright for press publishers is a great threat to startups, we could not be happier to have Allied for Startups by our side.

German internet industry against remake on a European level   25/07/2016 by Tom Hirche

Stakeholders: Tags: Licence: 

Eco, the German Association of Internet Industry, looks back on three disastrous years with an ancillary copyright for press publishers: Not only do they strongly reject this particular ancillary copyright, but also do they urgently warn against a European attempt. Read more

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2819 people raised their voices! #FixCopyright   19/06/2016 by Tom Hirche

Last Wednesday, the European Commission's consultation "on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'" came to an end. And so has the #FixCopyright campaign by Copyright for Creativity (C4C). An incredible number of 2819 people have used the answering tool. All the answers have already been transfered to the Commission. Read more

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Innovators and publishers against ancillary copyright   10/06/2016 by Tom Hirche

There are two new websites (links below) regarding the creation of a new ancillary or neighbouring right for (press) publishers in the EU answering all the relevant questions digital entrepreneurs, startups and publishers might have. The aim is to inform these groups what a negativ impact such a right would have on them and their business. Also provided are two open letters you can sign to sperak out against these rights. The sites are available in English, French, Polish, German, Italian and Spanish. Check them out and spread the word!

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La Quadrature du Net wants less neighbouring rights   03/06/2016 by Tom Hirche

The NGO La Quadrature du Net that promotes digital rights and freedoms of citizens has positioned itself clearly against a new "publisher's right" the EU Commission is suggesting in its still ongoing consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'. Read more

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Extending a bad idea does not make it better!   15/04/2016 by Tom Hirche

On 24th March, the European Commission launched its public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'. Looking at the wording, it provides great insight into the Commission’s plans for the upcoming copyright reform. Read more

Open letter to EU Commission   08/04/2016 by Tom Hirche

As a partner of a great coalition we have signed an open letter to members of the European Commission responsible for the digital single market. We demand "an ambitious reform that is fit for purpose in the digital environment and that upholds and strengthens fundamental principles such as the limitation of intermediaries’ liability, rights of citizens to freedom of communication and access to knowledge." Read more

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Commission launches public consultation   24/03/2016 by Tom Hirche

Today, the European Commission has launched its public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'. Everybody is welcomed to take the online survey. Although it is only available in English, French and German you can reply in any EU language. Read more

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MEPs sign Open Letter to Commission   18/12/2015 by Tom Hirche

A cross-party coalition formed by over 80 MEPs has written an Open Letter to President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, to European Commissioner for Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip as well as to European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Günther Oettinger. They are "deeply concerned about the Commission's Communication 'Towards a modern, more European copyright framework'". Read more

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Go to!   07/12/2015 by Tom Hirche

In late September, the EU Commission has initiated its public consultation on online platforms. To encourage everybody to speak his/her mind, there now is (another) online tool that facilitates the process of submitting your opinion to the Commission. Read more

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European publishers against European AC   07/12/2015 by Tom Hirche

Several Open Letters have reached the EU Commissioners while they conduct their public consultation on the role of online platforms. The most recent originates from a group of various European publishers who speak out against an ancillary copyright for press publishers. Read more

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Open Letter to EC and EP (UPDATE)   25/11/2015 by Tom Hirche

As part of a large coalition we have co-signed two open letters addressed to the European Commission as well as the European Parliament informing them about our concerns regarding the Commission's approach on copyright affairs. Read more