Dr. Till Kreutzer (kreutzer at is a lawyer, academic researcher and journalist. He works on legal questions concerning Intellectual Property, Data Protection and Contract Law, particularly in the area of Information Technology.
He is co-founder and editor of, a non-profit information portal on copyright in the digital world for consumers and creators, awarded - inter alia - with the Grimme-Online-Award 2006. In addition, he is an entrepreneur and founder of two companies: The iRights.Lab, the independent think tank on new strategies of the digital world and the law firm iRights.Law in Berlin.
Till Kreutzer also works as an academic researcher. He is a research fellow at the Hans–Bredow–Institute for media research at the University of Hamburg and a member and co-founder of the "Institute for Legal Issues of Free and Open Source Software" (ifrOSS). In his PhD thesis he explored and designed a new model of copyright regulation. It was published in 2008.
Furthermore Till Kreutzer works as a journalist, reporting on Intellectual property aspects. As well as blogging and writing on, he published numerous articles on topics related to information law in German and international professional and consumer publications (e. g. GRUR, AMI, Computer Law & Security, CR, MMR, ZUM, brand eins, Telepolis, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Berliner Zeitung, EPD Medien, Stern).
Till is board member in various institutions. He is an „ad personam“ member of the German Commission for UNESCO. He is member of the academic advisory board of the IK – the Information and Communication Circle of the German financial services companies -and a member of the academic advisory board of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.
Furthermore Till teaches IT law, copyright law, trademark law, data protection law and personal rights at various institutions (among others at the Akademie für Publizistik (Academy for Journalism), the Evangelische Journalistenschule (Evangelical School for Journalism), the Humboldt University Berlin, the University of Hamburg and the Free University of Berlin). In his political engagement, he participated as an invited expert at the German and the European Parliament in hearings about copyright reforms on several occasions.
Tom Hirche (hirche at is a legal scholar at Humboldt University Berlin whose main focus lies copyright law. He participated in the first German Law Clinic for Internet Law and subsequently worked for Prof. Dr. de la Durantaye as a student assistant. As such, he helped to create the monograph 'Allgemeine Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsschranke'. He has been an editor for IGEL since 2013.